Medical Esthetician Career Information

By Dini Rengganing Suci

A medical esthetician career may be suitable for you if you want to work in the beauty industry while also helping people’s health. Traditional and advanced esthetics treatments are performed by medical estheticians to help patients who have had trauma or medical concerns regain confidence and wellness. Read on to find out what medical estheticians do, how to become one, and what pay and career prospects you may expect in the industry.

What is a Medical Esthetician?

Medical estheticians, sometimes known as “paramedical estheticians,” are skincare specialists who work in more clinical settings than traditional estheticians. Medical estheticians can provide the same services as typical estheticians, as well as more advanced treatments. Medical estheticians may practice in places where ordinary estheticians are not permitted. They could, for example, work in dermatology offices, assisting patients with skin diseases or treatments like microdermabrasion. They could help patients with post-surgical care in plastic surgery clinics. Medical spas, often known as medspas, are popular places to work because they’re built up like spas yet offer medical treatments under the supervision of doctors. By assisting people in caring for their skin with the goals of improving their health and raising their confidence, medical estheticians can have a profound impact on people’s lives. You might work with cancer patients to manage chemo-related skin side effects or post-radiation burns or pain, for example. You may also work with burn sufferers to assist them take care of their skin and teach them how to use cosmetics to disguise scars if they want to.

What Does a Medical Esthetician Do?

Estheticians do facials and waxing at spas and salons. Unless they acquire further training, estheticians are usually not as active in laser-based treatments as medical estheticians are. While most estheticians work in salons and spas, medical estheticians are trained and licensed skin care specialists who perform laser and light-based procedures alongside other medical professionals in medical settings. Medical estheticians operate in plastic surgery, dermatology, medical spas, and other medical settings, as well as other health, beauty, and fitness businesses that have used laser technology. Medical estheticians assist patients with skin problems, injuries, and aging skin in the healing and rejuvenation of their look. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser therapy, and strong acids are all treatments that medical estheticians can perform. Before enrolling in a medical esthetician training program, do your homework to ensure that it is legitimate and offers the necessary education.

The Difference Between Aestheticians and Cosmetologists

Cosmetologists and aestheticians are often interchanged. While there is some overlap, most cosmetologists do not work in a medical setting and do not perform operations. Cosmetologists are frequently more active in the application of cosmetics (make-up) than medical aestheticians are in the continuous healthcare and medical treatment of the skin.

Medical Estheticians vs. Nurse Estheticians: What’s the Difference?

Nurse estheticians are registered nurses who specialize in esthetics, whereas medical estheticians lack specialist medical training. Nurse estheticians are more capable than medical estheticians in terms of medical treatments. You’d have to go back to school to get your registered nursing degree if you wanted to work as a nurse esthetician.

Where do Medical Estheticians Work?

A hospital, medical office, or other healthcare establishment may hire a medical esthetician. Medical estheticians can operate in salons or spas as well. Medical estheticians work under the supervision of plastic surgeons and dermatologists to perform procedures like as medical chemical peels, exfoliation, and photofacials. Medical estheticians assist patients undergoing skin-related operations and treatments in hospitals and clinics. They show injured patients how to lessen facial puffiness, skin discoloration, fine lines, wrinkles, acne, acne scarring, and more. They demonstrate how to clean and care for sensitive healing skin in trauma patients. Medical estheticians also offer emotional support to their patients and help patients who are undergoing long-term treatment gain confidence. Medical estheticians are frequently employed by plastic surgery practices and dermatologists’ offices. Medical estheticians are also offered by primary care practices as an extra convenience and as a strategy to attract customers and increase revenue.

How to Become a Medical Aesthetician

The State Board of Cosmetology requires aestheticians to finish an accredited training program. Typically, these courses are offered at vocational schools. Furthermore, all states, with the exception of Connecticut, require license through a certification exam.  Aesthetician licensure and certification standards differ by state, so verify with the board in the state where you want to practice. Furthermore, do your homework before enrolling in a training program to ensure that it is accredited and delivers the necessary training.

Perks and Drawbacks

This career could be incredibly fulfilling for you if you enjoy making others feel and look their best, especially if you are passionate about skin care. Because job growth is expected to be above normal, there should be more opportunities to work as an aesthetician. Aesthetics is not one of the highest-paying medical professions. If you’re looking for a high-paying job, consider a dermatology nurse or a dermatologist. Those vocations, on the other hand, necessitate many more years of school and training.


Can a Medical Esthetician Do Botox?

Botox treatments cannot be performed by medical estheticians. Botox can only be delivered by a medical doctor (such as a dermatologist or plastic surgeon) or, depending on the state, a nurse, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant because it is considered a medical treatment rather than a cosmetic procedure (PA).

Can a Medical Esthetician Open a Medical Spa?

Most states restrict medical spa ownership to physicians or physician-owned businesses. Non-doctors can own medical spas through management services organizations, according to the American Med Spa Association (AmSpa) (MSO). They do this in collaboration with a physician’s firm, which provides the medical services. Administrative, marketing, and other non-medical components of the business are handled by the MSO.

How Do I Become a Certified Medical Esthetician?

The first stage is to obtain an esthetics or cosmetology license, which needs a high school graduation or GED, as well as related coursework and a licensing exam. Medical estheticians do not require a separate license, but you should pursue training in the operations you wish to do.

Is There a Medical Esthetician License?

Medical estheticians are not required to have a license. Because medical estheticians are general estheticians who practice in a clinical or medical setting, you’ll require an esthetics license. Taking extra classes in medical esthetician treatments, on the other hand, could help you land a position in this industry or expand your career prospects.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Medical Esthetician?

The amount of hours of training required for a medical esthetician license varies by state, but on average, 600 hours are required. Master esthetician licenses are available in several areas and may be a good fit for medical estheticians. Advanced treatments performed by medical estheticians are usually always part of the training. You’d need to finish appropriate coursework and training hours, possibly an apprenticeship, and pass exams, just like you would for a conventional esthetician license. The number of hours required to obtain a master esthetician license varies greatly depending on the state. Oregon, for example, requires 40 hours of instruction and 24 hours of practical practice, whereas Utah demands 1,500 hours. You should also consider taking medical esthetics continuing education seminars. Not only will this help you achieve your state’s continuing education requirements, but it will also demonstrate to future employers that you have acquired competence in the areas they need.

How Much Does Medical Esthetician School Cost?

Tuition for esthetician or cosmetology school varies depending on the program, but it normally ranges from $3,000 to $10,000. As previously indicated, you may be able to select coursework that allows you to specialize in various areas. However, if you require more training in areas such as microneedling, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels, prices vary depending on the program and who is providing it.

What Are the Salary and Job Growth Opportunities for Medical Estheticians?

Estheticians made a median annual pay of $34,090 ($16.39 per hour) in 2019, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Estheticians who work in doctors’ offices, on the other hand, earn an average of $19.80 per hour, or nearly 20% more. Skincare expert occupations are expected to grow at a greater rate than the national average, with an annual growth rate of 11% over the next ten years.

Do Medical Estheticians Make More Money than Other Estheticians?

While pay varies by state and job duties, some sources indicate that general and medical estheticians earn similar wages. Others claim that medical estheticians earn slightly more. Medical estheticians earn an average of $17.96 per hour, while estheticians earn $15.18 per hour, according to PayScale. Meanwhile, medical and general estheticians earn $30,342 a year on Glassdoor, and medical and general estheticians earn $39,923 and $39,292 on ZipRecruiter. As previously stated, estheticians employed in physicians’ offices earn on average more than estheticians employed elsewhere, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This adds to the case for medical estheticians earning a slightly higher wage.

How Much Do Self-Employed Medical Estheticians Make?

There is no clear answer to this because it varies greatly depending on whatever state or location you practice in, your clientele, and your capacity to find clients. What you earn as a freelance medical esthetician is primarily determined by how much work you can acquire. Because being self-employed necessitates business expenses, you’ll need to account for such costs when calculating your salary. However, the increased unpredictability may be worth it if you have more flexibility as a self-employed person.

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